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Kvartirnik #2 | Moscow

Kvartirnik #2 | Moscow

Last Friday @igorlarionovofficial + I hosted our second “kvartirnik” + wine tasting.
I open the doors of my apartment, invite his + my friends, put together a playlist, prepare appetizers + champagne, + introduce our guests to a new way of drinking wine. My dad’s goal w/wine has always been to learn how to sloooow down, how to pair, how to taste, how to engage in the process of enjoyment. Never in excess. Only in the appreciation of the moment. The here & now. It’s a far cry from the way many of us drink; in excess, unconscious, quick, fast, more. I think it’s a testament to the person he is in all facets of his life. All things in moderation w/a hint of decadent patience.
As I said in my speech, MY PURPOSE for these evenings is to get together a wide-ranging group of people from all facets of life. Business, arts, politics, culture, television, PR, fashion, etc. Russian & Internationals. Hopefully, mixing circles of people who’ve never met. Building mini-communities where each member can bring something back to the community in which they belong. I said, “if there’s one major difference I’ve noticed in Russia vs. America, it’s our inability to COMMUNICATE. It’s a global issue, yes. But particularly here it’s an incompetency which leaves my mouth agape encounter after encounter. ЛЮДИ НЕ УМЕЮТ ОБЩАТЬСЯ С ДРУГ ДРУГОМ.” Our guests began to nod. Not in business, not in politics, not in relationships both intimate & non, + MOST CERTAINLY within family dynamics, passing on generational trauma which leaves each subsequent поколения defensive, hardened, cold.
These are my observations. The kind I share on a daily basis. Once I finished, before I passed along the 🎤 to my Dad, I asked every guest to state: for WHAT THEYRE GRATEFUL. Friends. Literature. Films. Family. Sleep. Sport. Community. Conversation. Evenings like this. New friendships + beginnings. On & on. Suddenly, the pulse of the room changed. Hearts began BEATING. Smiles unfolded on people’s faces. People began to laugh + talk.
Mmm I thought. So simple. All it takes is a question + the conscious decision to actively listen. To open + hold space for one another to be seen, heard, + belong 🖤.

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