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Angel Cat: Lean-In Love | Mykonos

Angel Cat: Lean-In Love | Mykonos

When I travel — scratch that — whenever I do anything, I’m always open to new encounters, experiences + people. More often than not, by engaging in a more meaningful conversation, both parties end up walking away with takeaways (big + small).
I’ve been told “can’t you just do the small talk?” Yes, I can. But I did that for years as an interviewer, pre + post chat, in order to keep my guest occupied before we went in for the hard stuff. It felt fake + manipulative (+ boring). Since then I’ve made a conscious choice to change the way I engage. I’m in. Open. + ready for lightning to strike.
On this trip in Mykonos, I met a character by the name of Angel Cat (our name for him). Only until the morning of my departure did I receive from him what I had been speculating I’d receive. He said, “I don’t know you well but I think it would benefit you to love-in more in your life.” I said, “I’ve heard of lean-in but how do you see my loving in.” “You’re afraid! You’re afraid to love and to be loved! Am i right?” Yes, i thought, suddenly sweating from my own transparency. Fak, + I thought I was good at shielding my deepest vulnerabilities!
I decided to share. “Yes, true. Spot on. I’m learning Angel Cat. Give me time.” He leaned in, “you don’t have time. Do it now.” He took my hand, slid a bracelet on my wrist, gifted me a single red rose, + kissed me on my cheek. “Go on. Love-in. Don’t be afraid. One foot in, one foot out..that’s so boring!! And you? You’re not boring! So stop being anyone but the person you already are.”
Okay, I thought as I smelled the rose. Love-in. Love-in to the Discomfort, the Intimacy, the Fear, the Denial. Open UP! Allow yourself to be Seen. “Thank you, Angel Cat. For seeing me. For believing in me.” And with that, I rolled my suitcase up the cobbled roads of Mykonos to my cab. I sat down + thought, “small talk — who needs it?! I’m about the deep stuff. I’m about the love-In kind of life.”

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