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Goals: Gentle Reminders | London

about the things I know for sure.
(Beyond) Curious
about the things I have yet to Learn.
Humble (+ pleasantly bashful)
about the things I do not know.
Willing (at times defensively)
to admit my mistakes + wrongdoings.
Speaking (only)
when something needs to be said.
Listening (actively)
so I can be of better service.
Floating (gently)
in the beauty that is Silence.
Opening Heart (empathy)
in the process of Healing.
Letting Go
with Awareness + understanding that space fills Abundantly quicker without Force + manipulation.
(Simply) Being
These are goals. Gentle reminders of things I can do more of, and better. The execution is imperfect. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, mistakes (slip-ups) are an incredible opportunity to learn + to grow. You know, the famous ‘when you know better, do better’. It works. Just remember to sprinkle in a bit of Kindness; towards Self when we inevitably slip + fall, and towards others when their defenses are triggered through our mirroring behaviors. We’re all just doing the best that we can 🙏🏼