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How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days | Moscow

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
used to be my m.o.: break before broken, hurt before hurt by other, leave before left, walk before walked out on, destruct before destructed, push before pushed, etc etc.
defense mechanisms are established young. In some form or another it’s our autopilot survival mode; as rejection, abandonment, pain, trauma accumulates...the more times we’re left heart-broken, taken advantage of, made fun of, left behind, ignored, manipulated, hurt, the less we open up our heart. It’s a learned-behavior: Other is not to be trusted, Other will hurt. See? Look at my past! The proof is in the pudding. My pudding that I waddle around in trying to find ways to avoid ever being seen, ever being hurt, ever being scarred, again.
10 days is a bit dramatic but when things got close, when I was just about there, I’d wave the keys to the kingdom in front of the Other’s face, scratch them up, rip out their heart, + walk away. Why? Because I learned from the best. From Other in the ways they’d treated me before in a long list of examples. I was trained well. A good student, so I executed perfectly. Every single time.
At 32, I recognize (through a TREMENDOUS amount of work) that the only person I was hurting was ME (although they were hurt, too). It was ME who was walking out on several good things, most importantly ME, by robbing myself the freedom TO FEEL.
So when I walked out in this dress for the GQ Awards + received messages in reminiscence of this movie I felt three things at once: 1. I hope not to be promoting this way of thinking/being/acting, 2. Thank god I am no longer Andie Anderson pushing Ben Berry away (that life was miserable + empty), 3. It’s SO important I make this statement in writing bc I know SO many people playing this game ON BOTH ENDS. When you hedge your bets in Love, when you ‘one foot in/one foot out’ in Love, when ‘hurt before hurt’ in Love you always-ALWAYS end up losing. You always walk out with an empty hand.
So, the next time you think about jumping ship when things become too scary, take a pause, breathe, + remember that you’re going to be okay. Certainly better off than if you were to continue playing your game.